Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jimi Hendrix

     Jimi hendrix was born on November 27, 1942. He was an inspirational song writer and guitarist. He is considered one of the best electric guitar players of all time.

                                                   Early Life
     Johnny Allen Hendrix was born in Seattle, Washington. His father was in the United States Army stationed in Oklahoma when he was born. In 1945 his father got an honorable discharge and returned to his son and legally changed his name to James Marshall Hendrix in honor of his brother. In 1951 Jimi's parents divorced and caused his mother Lucciles alcoholism to worsen and she developed a cirrhoses in her liver and died on February 2nd, 1958. Hendrix bounced around households and was very sensitive and shy. Around the time that Hendrix's mom died, he received his first acoustic guitar for 5$. He practiced for hours every day and listened to records to teach himself to play. About a year later his dad bought him an electric guitar, but he had no ampifier. He practiced a lot of stage moves like playing with his teeth at that time. Music was an important part of Hendrix's childhood.

                                                The Army
     Jimi got in trouble for riding around in stolen cars twice. He was given the choice between jail time and enlisting in the Army. He enlisted in 1961. Many officers and fellow soldiers considered him a rebelious and disrespectful soldier. He had little regard for rules and didn't stay on task. His commanding officers recommended he was discharged from the Army after only one year.
     After being discharged Hendrix moved to Tennessee to start his music career. He started of in small bands playing low-paying gigs at small venues. In early 1966 Hendrix started being recommended to managers. Not many took a liking to his music until he met Chas Chandler, former bass player for The Animals. Chandler helped Jimi hendrix form a new band named The Jimi Hendrix Experience. They later released their first album Are You Experienced in the UK in 1967. From that point on he had success in just about everything he did. The Jimi Hendrix Experience broke up in 1969. Hendrix then went under the band name Gypsy Sun and Rainbows. He later went on to play at Woodstock. His performance was delayed a little bit so the croud was not at its largest. He played a two hour set, the longest set of his career, and ended his performance with his memorable version of The Star Spangled Banner.

     Jimi Hendrix died September 18th, 1970 at the age of 27 in London. He overdosed on nine sleeping pills. He was found covered in his own vomit, that mostly consisted of red wine at 11:27 PM. Most say that is was a suicide because the normal dosage for the pills were 1/2 of a tablet. Some thought he was murdered by a former manager. Hendrix left the world leaving them with a unique fashion and guitar music like no one had ever heard. Some of the negative things that could have led to making him kill himself could have been drug use. He was known to use LSD, cannabis, heroin, and alcohol. Although he was not the best role model, he was a great person and contributed a lot to the music industry.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blogging is journalism?
Blogging is not an official form of journalism by definition. Many people engage in blogging and most of the time it is not for news purposes. Journalism is the reporting, editing and photographing of news.

Some do report news but it is often found in other news stories and restated. It is not an immediate form of news. Technology is advancing and so is media and journalism. maybe one day blogging will become more like journalism.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Super Bowl flyover a waste?

The fans inside the Super Bowl XLV stadium had just as good a view of the four F-18 fighter planes that flew over them as people watching on their T.V.. Just like people watching on their T.V., They watched from massive high-definition LCD screens.

If the view was no better flying over the stadium, why does the Navy waste the tax payers' money. There was about $400,000 dollars total spent on the four second pass. For the fans inside it was a complete waste. But, was it necessarily for the fans at home?

The flyover was shown across the country on everyones T.V.. Most of the performances are for the viewers at home. All the blimp shots and halftime shows are mostly directed to the audience at home.

But the reason of the flyover was not entertainment, it was for advertising. Instead of the Navy spending 3 million dollars on a 30 second commercial, they used that flyover to grab viewers' attention and direct it towards the navy. If all is taken in to consideration, it saved money. They used only a small fraction of their budget on it.

Some say it's wasteful, others thought is was a great idea. It's purely opinion what side people take. But I really can't see anything wrong with advertising the U.S. armed forces, can you?